
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fast food: 6 ways to healthier meals in a fast food restaurant.

Can fast food be part of a weight-loss or healthy diet plan? You might not think so. In fact, you might even think that you can't have a meal that's both quick and healthy. . An occasional stop at a fast-food restaurant can fit into a healthy diet plan. The key is to choose wisely.

1. Keep portion sizes small. If the fast-food restaurant offers several sandwich sizes, pick the smallest or order half a sandwich, if available. Choose a regular- or children's-sized hamburger, which has about 250 to 300 calories. Also, skip the large serving of french fries or onion rings and ask for a small serving instead.

2. Opt for grilled items. Fried and breaded foods, such as crispy chick en sandwiches are high in fat and calories. Select grilled or roasted lean meats — such as turkey or chicken breast, lean ham, or lean roast beef.

3. Watch what you drink. Many beverages contain a large number of calories. For example, a large regular soda (32 ounces) has about 300 calories. Instead reach out for diet soda or unsweetened iced tea.

4. Choose a healthier side dish. Take advantage of healthy side dishes offered at many fast-food restaurants. For example, instead of french fries choose a side salad with low-fat dressing or a baked potato. Or add a fruit bowl or a fruit and yogurt option to your meal. Other healthy choices include apple or orange slices, corn on the cob, steamed rice, or baked potato chips.

5. Go for the greens. Choose a large salad with fat-free or low-fat dressing on the side, rather than regular salad dressing, which can have 100 to 200 calories per packet.

6. Have it your way. Don't settle for what comes with your sandwich or meal. Ask for healthier options and substitutions. For example, ask for reduced-fat mayonnaise or mustard on your sandwich. Or at a fast-food Mexican restaurant, request salsa with your meal instead of shredded cheese and nacho cheese sauce.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

11 ''aphrodisiacs'' that are bound to turn your partner on

Are you cooking a romantic meal for your man in the hope that it might excite more than just his taste buds? Well, then try adding coffee, honey, chocolate, some herbs and garlic in the feast - and see the ''rocking'' results.

According to Fox News, besides aphrodisiacs, there are thousands of foods, drinks, drugs, vitamins, herbs, nutrients and aromas that can increase your sexual desire and excitement.
The following is a list of the ones that have, so far, proven themselves quite worthy of the "aphrodisiac" title:

1 Caffeine: Whether in coffee, tea, sodas or chocolate, caffeine, up to a certain point, can get your motor going.

2 Honey: Known for giving you a quick boost, sugar in its pure honey form can boost your energy. Honey also fuels sperm cells.

3 Chocolate: Besides containing caffeine, chocolate contains two compounds believed to have sex-enhancing effects: anandamide and phenylethylamine (PEA). (PEA is a natural form of amphetamine, an antidepressant). This sweet also contains theobromine, which increases endorphin production, making for a good high.

4. Herbs:Helping lovers relax and ease anxieties, some herbs are seen as having physical effects that can make you feel randier and increase blood flow to the genitals.
Certain ones, like lemon balm, a type of mint plant that's available in tea form, can relax the nervous system, soothing you while elevating your mood.

5 Spices: Some spices, like cayenne pepper, can get you hot quite literally by increasing your heart rate and body temperature. Some also mirror signs of sexual arousal, like a body flush, perspiration and plumper lips.

Certain spices can be consumed in capsule, tincture or concentrated drop form a half an hour before sex to boost circulation.

6. Garlic: Because it contains allicin, garlic increases blood flow to the sexual organs, which can certainly help get things going in the bedroom.

7. L-arginine: L-arginine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is a precursor to nitric oxide, the molecule that is responsible for promoting circulation by relaxing the blood vessels.

8. Asian Ginseng: Commonly used to treat sexual dysfunction in males, ginseng has direct effects on the central nervous system and genital tissues. Evidence indicates the Chinese herb can facilitate erection by increasing blood flow to the penis.

9 Alcohol: Liquor is known to help lovers feel relaxed and in the mood, in large part because people have such strong beliefs that liquor makes for libido.

10. Ambrien:Found in the digestive tract of some sperm whales, this waxy substance is used in Arab countries, but is illegal in the U.S. Ambrien is said to increase a male's libido by increasing the concentration of several hormones, including testosterone.

11 Seafood: Resembling female genitals, any slippery, succulent seafood is held as an aphrodisiac. Also, the word "aphrodisiac" comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty and love, who, like fish, comes from the sea.

The tips have been provided by Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright, who's a sex educator, relationship expert, columnist and founder of Sexuality Source Inc.